Monday, September 19, 2005

Looking Into the New Face of Terror

The impending MS Office 12. Oh, this bodes well:

The keystone of the new user interface is a "ribbon" of frequently used commands that offers different options, depending on the task a user is performing. In addition to the new user interface, Microsoft has outlined several other areas of improvement, including enhancements to individual productivity, collaboration and management of corporate business documents.

Wanna make a bet those frequently used commands will have nothing whatsoever to do with the task I'm trying to complete, until I feel like hanging myself with that "ribbon"?

Will Office 12 require Windows Vista?
No. Although there were some initial plans to more tightly couple the new products, they will work independently of one another. There may be some features that "light up" only when a user is running Vista, however.

My suspicion is that "work independently" will be roughly synonymous with "won't literally burst into flames if used on older versions of Windows," and that those "some features" will roughly be "opening, creating, editing, and saving documents."

What will it cost?
Microsoft hasn't yet specified.

In other words, "if you have to ask, you can't afford it."

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