Ever dream you could fly like the birds--or at the very least hover a few inches above the ground? Well, the dream can be yours, all for a trip to
Hammacher-Schlemmer, $17,000, and a willingness to look like an utter dork.
Hammacher Schlemmer has released the first levitating hover scooter. The Levitating Hover Scooter hovers just a few inches above the ground and travels at up to 15 MPH.
The scooter will be able to travel on any solid ground and even go up inclines. The personal hovercraft will travel up to an hour on a tank of gas.
Acceleration is handled via the throttle ond clutch on the handlebars. To increase acceleration, simply lean forward. Breaking is accomplished by turning off acceleration, and will take about twenty feet of coasting. Turning is handled via leaning left or right.

Emergency health care plan (and personal dignity) sold separately.
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