Monday, August 01, 2005

Does Technology Breed Rudeness?

Yes, acccording to this article from Forbes.

Don't even get me started on cellphones (the "rude behavior" I witness nearly every day with cellphones is when the idiots who drive while yakking on them nearly run me over--could they at least feign interest in traffic laws?).
In a recent national poll by market research group Synovate, 68% of Americans claimed to observe poor cell phone etiquette at least once per day. Eighteen percent said they ran into poor e-mail etiquette. The study noted that the Americans showed the poorest etiquette when using the very devices they rely on the most (52% said they would “die” if their phones and e-mails were taken away).

I don't know--I'm not sure "die" would be the word I'd use. I"rejoice" would be more appropriate. I just can't help but wonder if this whole "whatever whenever culture" is going to make us into a nation of spoiled brats.

And if they do ever lift the ban on cellphones on airplanes, the chances of my ever getting on a plane again are remarkably slim, as the torture of the whole experience would just be magnified exponentially.

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