Monday, June 05, 2006

It's a Gas

Whenever I do presentations for the graphics arts industry--the annual TrendWatch breakfasts/brunches/mystery meals at Graph Expo, or others here and there, I typically have a PowerPoint slide which is a litany of media for which content has to be developed (to illustrate the wonderful world of multichannel marketing), and one medium that always gets a chuckle (beside "blimps") is "gas pumps." We don't think of gas pumps as communications media, but, well, they often are, although most of them just have that LCD display that tells you how much cartons of Marlboros are or how much you can get a liter of Diet Coke for if you venture inside the store.

However, we now have "Gas Station TV":
Gas Station TV, based in the Detroit suburb of Oak Park, has been testing its service for several months in Dallas with TV monitors installed above gas pumps that show short clips of news, weather and traffic and, of course, advertising.

This fall, the company plans to expand the program to 100 gas stations in Dallas, Houston and Atlanta, all owned by Murphy Oil USA, which operates filling stations at Wal-Mart stores.

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