Friday, November 04, 2005

ESkype from Verizon

One unfortunate consequence of my move is that I get very lousy cellphone reception in my house--a problem I never had in the previous two places I lived. Reception is best when the weather is clear (I had actually made a point of checking this before I bought the place--naturally, the weather was perfect those days).

As a result, I have been using SkypeOut--Skype's service where you can call land and cell numbers via VoIP. It's not free, but rates for domestic calls (and even most European calls) are 2.1 cents per minute. I think it works extremely well; I've been using it for all my outgoing calls for the past week and it's worked flawlessly (the only weak link is my flaky Logitech USB headset). The only drawback is that conference call systems don't recognize confirmation codes entered via the on-screen dialer. Doh!

I even tried SkypeIn, which allows land and phone lines to call my Skype. My initial foray (as Judie can tell you) was less than successful, primarily, I believe, because the headset flaked out.

It's all a work in progress, but I'm becoming sold on Internet telephony.

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