I love the American Southwest, but the fact that flying into Albuquerque, NM, from the east involves nearly smashing into the side of a mountain does take a bit of the appeal out of it. Especially since by then the “liquid courage” I downed during my two-hour layover in Atlanta had worn off. (Yes, Albany to Atlanta to Albuquerque. This trip is brought to you by the letter “A.”)
And then the shuttle van trip to Santa Fe—about 57 miles, as the crow flies (or, as we say in Saratoga, as the horse flies)—is another of “what the heck was I thinking?” on top of the flight. Whenever I take airport shuttles, I am always—always—the last to be dropped off. So in this case about nine people were stacked like cordwood in a van whose air conditioning system left much to be desired.
But all that snark and crankiness evaporated by the time I got to Santa Fe. My tendency to be dropped off last actually worked in my favor, because I got a very nice driving tour of Santa Fe and learned, if nothing else, that Santa Fe is best traversed either on foot or in a very small car. Indeed, our van driver backed into a pickup truck while attempting to get out of a parking lot.
Eventually, I arrived at the Ghost Ranch Santa Fe for the 14th Annual Science Writers Conference, and immediately learned that Santa Fe was more than 5,000 feet (actually 6,996 feet) above sea level, which I did not know. The ranch literature I found in my room had all sorts of warnings about altitude sickness. As usual, I treated the symptom list as a “to do” list, just like whenever I am forced by my doctor to take prescription medications, the list of side effects is basically a “to do” list.
So after decompressing for a bit, I decided to go out and prowl for the couple hours before the event’s reception.
Santa Fe was founded in 1610 by Spanish territorial governor Don Pedro de Peralta (ergo Paseo de Peralta is a main road) and was officially designated “Villa Real de la Santa Fé de San Francisco de Asis” (or “Royal City of the Holy Faith of St. Francis of Assisi”). So “Santa Fe” actually means “holy faith.” The city was built to be the capital of Spain’s northernmost territory in the New World, but the Pueblo Rebellion shook things up a bit, although the city was recaptured in 1692 by Don Diego de Vargas. Its claim to fame was primarily as a trading center. Los Alamos is nearby and in the 1940s, the influx of scientists brought a renewed economic vitality to the town. (I came across a First National Bank of Los Alamos. I’m guessing you do not want to get an overdraft from them.)
The city itself is the last thing I was expecting from a major city, especially one that is a state capital. (Santa Fe became the capital of the New Mexico Territory in 1851; New Mexico became a state in 1910.) The architecture is best described as “all adobe all the time.’’ In fact, the entire city is very beige. Indeed, the town looks very much as it would have in the nineteenth century. I half expect to see James West come flying out of an upper window or crash through a staircase.

The Plaza also has a variety of restaurants. On Tuesday, several of us went to the Plaza Cafe which is an intriguing mix of Mexican and Greek cuisine. It was quite good. I shared an immense dessert with a squid researcher from Monterey and we could not finish it. Over the course of the week, various search parties brought back stories of excellent restaurants (and pubs). Thursday night, there was a mass dinner at the Cowgirl Hall of Fame, which had excellent food and even better frozen margaritas. Happily, I didn’t see any chain restaurants in town. Or even any chain art galleries.

It should be noted that St. Francis Cathedral houses not only the seat for the archbishop (or whatever authority they have down here), but also the seat—or, more importantly, the parking space—for the Cathedral’s Gift Shop Manager, who is actually appointed by papal decree.

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