Thursday, October 06, 2005

Yet Another Reason to Avoid Spam

Ever been tempted to invest in the "gre@t st0ck t!ps" you receive via spam? Neither have I, but if you've ever been morbidly curious as to how much you could actually lose, SpamStockTracker has done the work so you don't have to. The premise:

On May 5th, 2005 (05/05/05 spooky!) I set out to determine just how much money I could lose by trusting SPAM.

What if I purchased 1000 shares of stock from EVERY stock tip mentioned in a SPAM email? Could we all really be missing out on a great opportunity?

Of course, I don't have the money to actually waste on an experiment like this. I made this little web site to keep track of the value of those stocks... without my actually purchasing anything.
How much has he hypothetically lost? click here to find out...

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