So let's go live to I Write Like.
First, a little mantra: Not Dan Brown, not Dan Brown, not Dan Brown...
I'll start with some text from Disrupting the Future, the book about revitalizing the printing industry that I co-wrote with Dr. Joe Webb. Who do we, in combination, write like?
Okay, that's acceptable. I guess I'll have to grow mutton chops. Idea for a mystery novel: Murder at GraphExpo...
So, next I'll paste some random paragraphs from Virus!, a silly science-fiction comedy novel I self-published a few years ago. Who do I write like? (I shudder to think...)
ZOMG!!!! That site is utterly brilliant!! The people who developed I Write Like are geniuses!!!
Okay, how about a random passage from It Might Have Been, an unpublished "serious" novel?
Wow! I love you, Dr. Johnson, and I want to have your babies. (I am not fudging any of this, by the way.)
Okay, how about a boring old printing industry business conditions report I wrote for WhatTheyThink?

I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Hmm...I think he might take umbrage at that. If he were still alive he'd roll over in his grave...
Okay, one last one. How about one of my silly movie recaps:

I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Interesting. I've never read David Foster Wallace--maybe I'll pick up Infinite Jest and see if it's a combination of comic recaps of bad science-fiction movies and a printing industry business conditions report. Maybe I've got an idea for my next WhatTheyThink report...
So, basically, I think I Write Like is spot on, and the people who created it are complete and utter geniuses.
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